2007 provided us with a new venue from which to work.
Our family has moved into a 210 year old stone house
in Western Pennsylvania. We're hoping to add to the
the items shown here and include schedules for when
we are teaching classes or workshops in our regional
Please contact us if you see something on the the site that you might like to purchase. We always welcome inquiries. You might want to take a look at our About Us page which has information about ordering/purchasing from us. No items on this site are currently available in large quantity.
Since this is basically a two person operation, items pictured may or may not be available for purchase when you contact us. We will do our best to fill your request, however, this is not (yet) our full-time job, so turnaround time can take a while — especially for complicated or larger items. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated.
Please contact us if you see something on the the site that you might like to purchase. We always welcome inquiries. You might want to take a look at our About Us page which has information about ordering/purchasing from us. No items on this site are currently available in large quantity.
Since this is basically a two person operation, items pictured may or may not be available for purchase when you contact us. We will do our best to fill your request, however, this is not (yet) our full-time job, so turnaround time can take a while — especially for complicated or larger items. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated.
More to Come!
It's taken me a while to get to the revamp of my
website. I'm quite pleased with most of the results.
I have more to do but the basics are here. I'm going
to be digging back into it to make it more iPhone
friendly by limiting the use of Flash. I don't have
that cleaned up yet but hope to complete that soon.
I'm working on additional pages for lace making, bookbinding, handmade paper, printmaking and dollhouse miniatures. Though I may reserve the paper, bookbinding and printmaking for another fledgling website my husband and I put together. I might possibly revive some of the "historical" information about my time at the Greater Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival (doing baskets, brooms, books and wheat weaving) and the dollhouse and miniature shop I opened and ran when I was just 16 years old.
I'm working on additional pages for lace making, bookbinding, handmade paper, printmaking and dollhouse miniatures. Though I may reserve the paper, bookbinding and printmaking for another fledgling website my husband and I put together. I might possibly revive some of the "historical" information about my time at the Greater Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival (doing baskets, brooms, books and wheat weaving) and the dollhouse and miniature shop I opened and ran when I was just 16 years old.
About Us
Ye Olde Basket Case is a small operation, a
mother-daughter business that is only part-time (at
best). We are serious about our art and craft having
worked long and hard to develop our skills, taking
pride in every finished piece. These arts &
crafts are time consuming labors-of-love. We're quite
pleased when they find homes where they will be
appreciated for years to come. We've tried to answer
some common or frequently asked questions on our
FAQ page. If we have not
addressed your concerns please feel free to
contact us directly and we
will answer to the best of our ability.
Please consider visiting one of our other websites or weblogs:
jennsBLOG - my blog with a heavy emphasis on Macintosh computing, a few esoteric things thrown in from time to time.
The Mac Muse - my original blogspot blog primarily about Mac stuff but other things seep in there from time to time
Bridge Books & Prints - our fledgling online used bookstore